Every once in a while, you feel like you need to change the landscape you live in. Sometimes you have a good reason (such as you’re not in college anymore and can’t keep any idiotic things hanging on the walls), and sometimes you just want to refresh your home’s look.
But renovating and redecorating takes a lot of money and time (and who’s got time these days?) so we decided to give you some tips on how to easily bring change to your home. We want to suggest a bunch of things you can do or items you can buy that will make a huge impact. Note that these steps can be picked and chosen and that they can be done at any budget and on any level.
When redecorating, it’s important to follow the same rules you follow when you put an outfit together: a room needs to be balanced, it needs to have colors that go and not necessarily match and it needs to be in tone with your personality and personal preferences. Use patterns, textures and shine to re-boost your home or simply a room. Our tips can be applied to a personal home or to work place or office as well.

1. Use pillows. Adding new pillows to your home will change a lot of your environment’s mood! The more special the pillow, the better! Gold-n-rule for example, is an amazing Hawaiian brand that offers high quality pillow cases that come in a variety of options! Besides embroidered throw pillows they also offer screen printed pillows and lot of other accessories for your home! We like them all and think that they’re a great inspiration! Speaking of pillows, piling them up will only create more visual interest, and you definitely want that!
2. Paint a wall. Don’t have the time or money to paint your whole house/apartment? Pick a strong color such as burgundy or teal and paint one wall with it! It will look like your room just got redone!
3. Redo your curtains. You can either buy new curtains, or have someone modify those you already own. Adding lace or some sort of embellishment can give your home whole new look.
4. Change your curtain bars. Speaking of curtains, you can simply readjust your curtain bars. Placing them higher will only make your house look more luminous and bright and this will lead to a sense of a larger space.
5. Add a plant! Plants make any environment look like it’s breathing. A touch of flora can’t hurt, even if it’s just a small one. For those who don’t have the time or resources to take care of a plant, artificial ones can do a very good job today!
6. Frame paintings, cards or photos. Nothing says more “personal touch” in the design of a home than framed images. Whether it’s simply your holiday photos, or vintage pictures of your grandparents or a painting you bought, anything flat looks great framed. You can also frame clothes you wish to keep but don’t know how. Frames also provide structure to an environment and make it look a lot more balanced due to their shape.
7. Get a mirror. To open up a space, you just need a mirror and put it on your wall. A narrow mirror can be placed horizontally on the wall and the effect will be really grand.
8.Position your rug strategically! Place your rug in the direction of the furniture you wish to highlight to make the best out of your belongings.
9. Get book covers! If you have a lot of books, especially old ones, you will be doing you bookshelf a favor if you bought a lot of colored paper and make covers for your books! You can choose if you wish to go use a lot of colors, just two or go monochrome.
10. Book your fireplace!In the end, we have a nice touch for those who own a fireplace but don’t use it: fill it with books! Don’t set them on fire, of course, but simply arrange you books nicely in a fireplace to fill the void and give it volume!
Any of these redecorating tips will make your home look more personal and therefore become a better environment for you and the things you do. You can adapt these tips to your budget and project scale make the best of them! To read more tips on redecorating, read our 15 Decorating Tips For Your Home article.
Fraquoh and Franchomme
P.S. What tips do you have for redecorating or redoing a home? Share your thoughts below!
10 replies on “10 Redecorating Tips”
Throwing pillows in a room can really make a big difference! That’s a very good tip, I recommend it as well!
It really is and it is easy to do!
I loved the gold and brown pillow!
We like it very much as well!
I wouldn’t add many elements to a room, I need to dust it, but I think the pillows tip is great!
You are right, being tidy is crucial and should stand before being well-decorated!
The curtain bar tip actually works – i can tell you that!
It’s great to hear you are confirming the tip!
Wow, filling a firepl with books – great idea!
Giving a new function to a place definitely makes a strong impact in terms of visual interest.